November 14, 2007

Things I have learned lately

Maybe I am just having a really bad day, maybe I just need a time to focus on things that I should be grateful for. But here is a list of things that I have learned or have struck me with the "thoughtful" moment.

1. Breathing is an important part of life, when you can't breathe it sucks. I have never felt not being able to run or even walk a small distance, I may already have issues with my heart but I still can enjoy life.

2. There was an earthquake in Chili, my dad was in Chili....but everything is ok

3. You can't receive a liver if you have cancer, they frown upon helping somebody that has a good chance of dying over somebody else that isn't dying as much.

4. Meds do pack a punch in one little swallow.

5. falling down the stairs is really easy.

6. coughing can be a great ab workout.

7. when you cough a lot, you don't breathe out of your mouth thus keeping your mouth shut a lot, which makes you breathe through your nose, and then you get a sore throat-like I have.

8. No matter how old you get, somebody will always not pay attention in class and waste everyone's time.

9. If instead of trying to fix things the same way over and over, you should stop and try a new route because really the printer is a 1400 and not a 1400z amazing.

10. Asking for help is hard, accepting a compliment is also hard. Asking for help AND admitting you have a problem is hard too.

11. Keeping a secret secludes you from people, but telling the secret would embarrass you. sucks

12. Expecting good things all the time is a bad idea

13. Trusting people that disappoint you not a good idea either

14. setting a standard for someone else without them knowing will disappoint you too. That sucks too.

15. While orange juice isn't my favorite it's not that bad, I never gave it a fair chance.

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