April 19, 2008

I haven't posted in a little while, and I meant to while I was still at home. BUT...my family was calling! I had a wonderful week with my family, on the way home my car's fuel pump became disconnected and that sucked because it put me back 6 or so hours. However, I came home and went on an AMAZING date that made it all better. I'm not really even mad at Chester (the mechanic) anymore.

Well when I went home, I had a photo shoot with some of my cousins that were hanging around. Here are a few of my favorite shots. (the one on the train tracks doesn't count, its just me and my brother playing around, but it's cute)

The jumping pictures live on...

Little Blake was being so funny, he would wait for the girls to finish with whatever they were doing and then would take his turn.

I would tell these two what to do and then they would mimic me. I did the Carrie face not thinking and they did what I told them.

They are hiding their cake, you can see Reagan's on the right.

I bet Tally won't be to happy with me but I made them play in the water, it was too cute!

My trip was so great. It started out with a bang by meeting my extended family in Idaho Falls and doing baptisms together. I will never forget it. I never get to see that side and what an amazing feeling being all together as a family, bringing more of our family into the gospel. The spirit was exceptionally strong, I can't wait to do it again.

Another fun thing, I also found out that one of my cousins married a girl last year that I went to elementary school with and hadn't seen for YEARS! Her name is Heather, and just in case she happens to see or read this post I want her to know that I was so excited to see her and my family only had wonderful things to say about her.

wow...I really had a great date last night

April 06, 2008

General Conference

Today I got to go to the afternoon session of conference. Basically it comes down to having wonderful people that I am about to move in with. I was over at their house yesterday watching conference, and they asked if I wanted to go.

This was where we were. I never noticed on the wall where it looks like there are yellow strips of light, its actually just gold. It's beautiful.

Jenny Lynn was having more fun than this picture is letting on.

We really were right up against the wall.

This guy was walking around all over the place, before and after. If you can't tell what it says, "The Antis are just jealous, feel sorry for them"

Going to conference again was really great. I am so lucky. I know that I have been to general conference more than many other people. Some people have only ever been once-if they are lucky. I remember when I went for the first time the session that they did the dedicatory prayer with the white handkerchiefs. We forgot them so we used tissues. Even more wonderful is the fact that I am getting new roommates that are already too nice to me. Dinner, movies, they have been helping me move my stuff. They are so wonderful, I don't have to worry at all because they act as though I have been their friend forever. I am really excited to move in with them. These girls have been wonderful the last couple of days. They somehow just show up or call right when I need them. I've had a pretty hard weekend, and it was nice to have a place to go.

I am also excited for this coming weekend. I am going to Idaho Falls to be with my family this weekend to do some temple work on some family names. I found out today there are going to be 400 names and I am one of 6 doing the baptisms for them. holy crap, that's a lot of water, but I guess it's a sacrifice that I am willing to make. Yeah for the temple and families and conference .
