November 05, 2006

A Joint Statement from Amanda and Council Bluffs

Even though we are both stubborn and technically enemies, we have decided to be temporarily allied in a joint effort against Skuffs and Rebekah. They will pay. No reason to be alarmed, the world will not stop turning and random wrestling matches will continue. He doesn't realize the pains and humiliations he has caused the two parties in thinking that he, a Moticellan, can come across the parking lot and inflict prankage. Step off!

November 03, 2006

Pitty Party

So I am throwing a pitty party for myself. It's already started so forget trying to come. Just so you know, you aren't missing anything. First there will be a little bit of heavy thinking that causes my ears to burn, and then I won't say anything for a while because what wants to come out of my mouth shouldn't. Once this party starts going, I usually try and pretend like nothing is wrong, but in all reality there is. But what really makes this party what it is, comes with the pretending when I get up and leave because I don't know what else to do. I wish I wasn't like this. It's the shy part of me that I usually kick to the side because it gets in the way that gives me the invite to the pitty party. There are two times in my life that I can't control the shyness, one is like instances like this when my emotions get the best of me and the other is when I am put into a new place and my bravery becomes mixed with being shy and I turn out to be snotty. Neither one of these characteristics are really becoming of a person. Maybe-I someday I will be a world ruler and being snotty will come in handy when I have to deal with people waiting on me hand and foot. When I am this ruler, things will look up because, my snotty-ness will be able to compel me to buy some friends, who will be required to always think about the way I am feeling and then....Well being shy will never be a problem. Or someone could give me a car, one that has a DVD player in it so I could throw more high class pitty parties.
