May 22, 2007

Heidi's Graduation!

This weekend I went home for My little sister's graduation from fruitland High school. This year was a good one to be present at for there was a new principal whom nobody likes. Of course is reputation continues to go down hill as he sugests things like changing the school colors and the mascot, and requiring ugly school uniforms.

However as far as imediate effects go, The prinicpal told the seniors this year that there would be no praying at his graduation, that there was to be no funny business-all formal-and that he would be moving the tassel instead of the class president as tradition has always been.

Well wouldn't you know that the students would not like that so as we sat down to begin the commencement, and the two students welcoming everyone split their duties and one said a beautiful long prayer. After which the principal had some words with them and the atmosphere was a little tense.

The speakers were two teachers from the high school who did a comidic speech walking around the graduates instead of standing on the stage which was frowned upon, and at the end, the two final salutitorians stood up, said their speech and then "due to tradition" invited the class president up to the stage to say a few words. As you might guess she then moved the tassel, and beat the prinicpal to the punch. oh yes, he wasn't happy.

Oh heidi is so cute, and that is my dad in the background
Me and Heidi's tassels her's is orange white and black and mine is silver instead of white, we are having an argument that should be remidied- so all of those that think that silver is better than white please post your ballot

The guy at the wall asked me if I wanted to climb the rock wall, to which I replied "oh I don't know, I haven't done that since my own graduation party" and the guy looked at me funny and then I realized that I looked like a high schooler and I was embarassed, as was he, so I changed the subject and told him I would love to climb the wall because I didn't want him to feel dumb

Swinging like monkeys, the black rock just out of the picuture was a hard one and nobody could grab it.

These shots were mid air as they would start on one rock on the lower wall and then jump up to the rocks above the ledge, it was fun enough to watch and they were thrilled I could get these shots


Cannon said...

Eye vote silver four shore. White, orange, and black seem two Halloweenie four me.

Just a thought... said...

Yes ...silver is much better than black and orange unless of course you are celebrating Halloween!
