November 03, 2006

Pitty Party

So I am throwing a pitty party for myself. It's already started so forget trying to come. Just so you know, you aren't missing anything. First there will be a little bit of heavy thinking that causes my ears to burn, and then I won't say anything for a while because what wants to come out of my mouth shouldn't. Once this party starts going, I usually try and pretend like nothing is wrong, but in all reality there is. But what really makes this party what it is, comes with the pretending when I get up and leave because I don't know what else to do. I wish I wasn't like this. It's the shy part of me that I usually kick to the side because it gets in the way that gives me the invite to the pitty party. There are two times in my life that I can't control the shyness, one is like instances like this when my emotions get the best of me and the other is when I am put into a new place and my bravery becomes mixed with being shy and I turn out to be snotty. Neither one of these characteristics are really becoming of a person. Maybe-I someday I will be a world ruler and being snotty will come in handy when I have to deal with people waiting on me hand and foot. When I am this ruler, things will look up because, my snotty-ness will be able to compel me to buy some friends, who will be required to always think about the way I am feeling and then....Well being shy will never be a problem. Or someone could give me a car, one that has a DVD player in it so I could throw more high class pitty parties.

1 comment:

Hyrum said...

amanda hug'n'kiss.... um let's go buy some sugar cubes and eat some chocolate cake, while drinking chocolate milk, eating a chocolate candy bar and watching Chocolat. Well you should kick, life's too short to be a gir... anyway um
