October 05, 2009

Pros and Cons

I had some really exciting things happen to me lately.
Then some not so exciting things happen to me. I will not name them all but I will share some.

We had a code blue at the hospital. For those that don't know, code blue is usually a cardiac arrest. Some times it's something else, but the main idea is a heart attack. Now, usually I am never there, but this time I was. Not only was I there I got to direct people, tell the defibrillator carriers where to go, and let the doctor in through the locked door, I also got to know everything about it because I was so close. How cool!

I am an official at work that gets benefits and paid time off. Yeah! This officially happened today, and currently Jack and I are reviewing what we need for our benefits.

We used the last of a gift card from our wedding for a dishes set that is square. Unfortunately, they don't fit in the cabinet.

I am now feeling so much better from being sick.

George-Michael the fish is really trained to eat when I tap the glass.

Now for some unfun things.

The house is still a mess.

I have had to work 6 days in a row.

Our window in the front room still doesn't close properly, so every once in a while it blows just right on the curtain, and makes a moaning noise like its haunted in here.

I dumped my DIRTY mop bucket water all over my feet. My feet were bare in my flip flops, I had already changed my shoes.

I have really grown to love milk in cardboard cartons. I have them a lot for breakfast at work. I think I know what I am going to be for Halloween. It's silly its going to be a secret, but I am at least proud I figured something out. I was also thinking a lot about blogging lately, I need to do it more.


Becca said...

We were talking last night about how you need to come down here and visit us! I wish you could come for Celia's baby shower and stay until Council Bluffs' Halloween party. I am missing you!

Sara and Justin said...

Hey darling. Sorry I didn't answer your call last night. We were traveling to Washington DC to go to the temple and by the time we got home it was time to go! Call me today!!!! love ya!
